A couple of maintenance items coming out of this mornings launch.
*) Alligator clips on the launch leads. This has been a long outstanding item. Graham and I are planning to address these at the next launch on a rotating fashion.
*) One of the antennas is missing the center pin from the N connector. While this wasn't an issue for this morning's launch this has been a problem when we have a "C" bank for the really dedicated.
Thanks Simon. What's the plan to fix the missing center pin from the N connector?
Tripoli #13468 L3
Tripoli Prefect #131
TAP Member
QRS President
Hi Members,
I was speaking with Simon, at the end of the launch. I am happy to volunteer my time at the next launch to repair and replace the alligator clips. Have got multiple bags of clips here that I will donate to the club.
A couple of maintenance items coming out of this mornings launch.
*) One of the antennas is missing the center pin from the N connector. While this wasn't an issue for this morning's launch this has been a problem when we have a "C" bank for the really dedicated.
Do we know what frequency the units are running, so replacement antenna can be sourced?
Appreciate the help and contribution Jason.
Can you please talk to Graham before starting any work: he was looking into a new solution for the alligator clips as well. Come and find me at the RSO tent if you don't know Graham.
Trying to find the Wilson F/X details now:
Tripoli #13468 L3
Tripoli Prefect #131
TAP Member
QRS President
Sorry. I have agreed to the Tour de Brisbane with my son on the 14th of April, next launch. It will be May before I am down at the launch site again replacing alligator clips.
The Tour de Brisbane closes a lot of roads in the Brisbane CBD and surrounds. This makes it difficult for anyone on the north side of Brisbane to make it south for the morning. 🙁
I have often wondered (and am still wondering) what frequency / communications protocol appeared between the launch controller and the launch slave units. One day I am sure I will have to find out! 🙂
Maybe during the next launch the antennas can be inspected for part numbers?
@simonfryer Hi Simon, I replaced about 8 sets at the last meet. there is still a few more to go however was extremely busy with launches. Found the ones in the Launch C box and had replaced all those. Will continue doing them at the next launch anyway. Will continue on till they are all done. Graham the Treseaurer has an idea which had been proposed which incorporates a bulldog clip with some riveted plate and wire connected to the end, will see if I can upload the photo. I did not have a chnace to look at the antenna part numbers. But I am sure some can be sourced.