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Victorian Rocketry Association (VRA) 2024 Launch Calendar

Eminent Member RSO&LCO Club Member
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Newly revised Victorian Rocketry Association (VRA) 2024 Launch Calendar

Serpentine launch Site

13 April - Saturday Working Bee

14 April - Sunday Launch

4 & 5 May - 2 Day Launch Event

26 May - Sunday Launch

15 June - Saturday Launch

7 July - Sunday Launch

27 July - Saturday Launch

18 August - Sunday Launch

7 September - Saturday Launch

8 September - Sunday Working bee

29 September - Sunday Launch

20 October - Sunday Launch


Member Admin Club Member
Joined: 8 months ago
Posts: 62

Thanks for your post on the Victorian Launch Calendar.

Would you also like to post a little about the Victorian Rocketry Association and how any readers of this forum can contact you should they find themselves south of Albury during one of your launches?

I noted with great interest that you conduct club nights during the week at regular intervals. Unfortunately, in Qld, almost ALL activities up here are normally run on launch days, which may have their own constraints. What can you tell us about how Victoria conducts their Club nights?

You may also like to let us know about your rocketry journey and what keeps you returning to the launch pad?

I am sure other readers here would appreciate learning of your story.

Thanks for your interest in this forum.


Len Forsyth

Eminent Member RSO&LCO Club Member
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We are holding 3 Club Nights this year.

On these nights we normally have at least 2 presentations covering various subjects ranging from Individual members Projects to how our University Members experience at  Spaceport, these night at held at the Golden Gate Hotel in South Melbourne and everyone is welcome. more detail will be released closer to the date of the event.


Information regarding the VRA can be found on our website of we can be found on Facebook

Active Member RSO&LCO
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Posts: 10

Thanks for the info @jeremysim  !

I was able to make it to the final club social of 2022 and found it quite interesting and rewarding.

I hope I can make it down that way again later this year.

Do you have details on who to order High Power motors through for launching at Serpentine launches? On-site vendors?
I hadn't previously been able to find much information on this on the website.

Anthony C, QRS253

Eminent Member RSO&LCO Club Member
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  1. @anthonycaracella unfortunately we do not have any motor vendors in Victoria

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