Dear QRS Member
Reminder: The 14 April 2024 QRS Launch will take place this Sunday starting from 8 am. The usual criteria apply for the launch going ahead and L1 / L2 certification attempts will be possible while the range is open.
I look forward to seeing everyone there!
Tripoli #13468 L3
Tripoli Prefect #131
TAP Member
QRS President
Hope to see you there.
AMRS Level 1 - PML Callisto May19 H100W 3600ft
AMRS/Tripoli Level 2 - 3" AGM33 Pike Aug20 J270W 3300ft
First Airstart - Thales Starstreak Mar22
First Cluster - Banana Republican Jun23 3xE20 1856ft
Impulse tally - 11,019NS since May 2019
@brendanhawkins Don't remember seeing you there...
Tripoli #13468 L3
Tripoli Prefect #131
TAP Member
QRS President
Launch Report:
Amazing day of launching for the April launch yesterday. Perfect weather, large crowd of spectators and both UQ and QUT in attendance.
Stats for the day were: A x 2 | B x 7 | C x 17 | D x 9 | F x 2 | H x 2 | I x 2
For a total of 41 launches.
Great to see a number of high power launches and add in four ejection ground tests plus two L1 cert attempts gives a well rounded launch day.
Biggest motors for the day were an I204 flown by Kieran in his Grey Grant to 3600 ft and an I195 flown by Jaxon (QUT Team) on the Nettaypus(?) to 1300 ft.
For those people who stayed late, you would have seen the Energex truck arrive to retrieve some rockets from the power lines. I had a conversation with the crew and they have provided input into best practice for launching at the site. The committee is already looking into what changes we can implement to provide the safest hobby for all of our members and spectators.
Once again, a big thank you to all of the volunteers on the day particularly to those involved in the setup and packup of the site. The club can't run without a legion of volunteers taking on these tasks and the RSO / LCO roles, etc.
See you in May!
(Don't forget: May launch is on the third Sunday to cater for Mothers Day)
Tripoli #13468 L3
Tripoli Prefect #131
TAP Member
QRS President
@crom You're right. Last minute pull out. I was up and dressed and ready to go, I even texted Dave S to see if he wanted a lift, but a dodgy gut got the better of me and I chickened out. To paraphrase Kate Bush, I didn't want to be constantly "..running up that hill" !!!
AMRS Level 1 - PML Callisto May19 H100W 3600ft
AMRS/Tripoli Level 2 - 3" AGM33 Pike Aug20 J270W 3300ft
First Airstart - Thales Starstreak Mar22
First Cluster - Banana Republican Jun23 3xE20 1856ft
Impulse tally - 11,019NS since May 2019